Staff Bios
Mai Huong Nguyen, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in Computer Science from Ecole Centrale Paris, France
Mai and her husband, Cuong, share the love of music. They bought Concert Music School in 2014, which is now Huntington Beach School of Music. They want to foster the love and enjoyment of music in the community. It is her wish that every student has access to quality music education and performing opportunities. She has two nephews and loves spending time with them as much as possible. She finds fulfillment in seeing children connect with music and enjoy learning.
Mai holds a PhD in computer science from Γcole Centrale Paris. Although she has a strong background in information technology and software development, she now finds herself completely absorbed in her new passion. She is keen to offer assistance to others in any way she could. When she is not busy sipping coffee, she enjoys decorating the school, and supporting HBSM's wonderful teachers in creating a happy environment for students to develop their full potential.
"The journey begins with a dream and becomes an adventure"